
A diagnostic powerhouse with an FDA-cleared Viewer and every diagnostic tool built into one screen—giving pathologists everything they need for faster, more accurate diagnoses in a seamless workflow.

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Viewer plus graphics
Viewer overview image showing our ability to view multiple levels of a specimen simultaneously

Digital Pathology, Optimized

• Lightning-fast, full slide rendering in milliseconds
• Infinite custom workflow possibilities
• Native AI for maximum efficiency and productivity
• Scalable cloud-based or on-premise secure storage
• Best in class for image quality and slide manipulation, it’s the closest you’ll get to the actual glass

Try Viewer+ Now


Features & Options

Easily view slides with Lumea's LIS plugin


Lumea’s powerful digital pathology slide viewer renders images faster with pre-tiling methodology and enables diagnostic and workflow-driven AI, tissue array continuity, and access to a community of pathologists around the globe.

Lumea digital pathology benefits


This remarkable technology, used with BxChips and BxTags, allows you to dynamically view and compare multiple sections and stains of the same sample in real time. The images stay aligned with every adjustment. It’s a seamless, one-touch, side-by-side view for increased efficiency and accuracy.

Digital pathology dashboard


Customize the pathology dashboard based on personal preference and use of the system. There are countless ways to configure one super dashboard or multiple specialized dashboards.

Lumea haș AI partners, image of AI on a computer screen


Gain access to integrated third-party diagnostic AI algorithms from Lumea’s collaborators for quality control checks and genetic screening.

Digital additional stain ordering

Stain Orders &

Easily order additional stains and annotate areas of interest for measurements, effortless reference, or consultations.

Data storage on Lumea's digital pathology platform


Storage is a vital component of digital pathology, though often overlooked. Own your storage via the cloud or on-premises servers or access Lumea’s cloud storage offerings.

Dr. Ashley Ross

“By leveraging Lumea technology, we are able to paint a much more accurate picture for patients of what is happening in regards to their cancer.”

Dr. Ashley Ross, MD, PhDNorthwestern Medical Group Oncologist
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