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Artificial Intelligence is a growing industry with a wide range of uses. AI has become crucial in advancing digital pathology, especially in improving patient care and the biopsy process. AI supports pathologists during multiple digital workflow stages to save them time and improve cancer diagnosis.  

Traditionally, multiple pathologists physically examined a tissue sample on a glass slide under a microscope to search for and diagnose cancer. Over the years, the number of pathologists has been declining as biopsies increase, overwhelming pathologists and their outdated tech. Even with the advantages that come from the adoption of digital pathology across many practices, pathologists’ workloads continue to grow. 

Several companies have made it their mission to provide AI that integrates with digital pathology. Artificial intelligence can improve diagnoses by detecting invisible patterns in the human eye. It can also assist with menial but essential tasks that take a significant workload off the pathologist, allowing more time to focus on interpreting data for more cases. Now, patients can have faster and more accurate results, leading to better treatment plans. Here are the top 10 companies leading the charge in providing artificial intelligence for digital pathology:

Logos for the AI companies

1. Aiforia

Aiforia’s cloud-based products and services are designed to decrease the burdens pathologists experience due to their outdated equipment. Aiforia also aims to reduce the wait time for patients and create more reliable treatments by providing them with accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.  

2. AIRA Matrix

Based in India and primarily focused on prostate cancer, AIRA Matrix strives to provide artificial intelligence solutions that improve efficiency, diagnostic accuracy, and turnaround times in pathology lab workflows. They work with hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and research labs worldwide to improve patient outcomes.  

3. Deep Bio

Based in South Korea, Deep Bio aims to drive technological innovation, provide clinicians with the tools to make critical decisions and improve patient outcomes. They recognize the gap between pathologists based on their areas of experience is causing inconsistencies in diagnoses and are working to bridge that gap with artificial intelligence. Their AI is a deep learning-based cancer diagnostic support software designed to unlock personalized insights for clinicians and strengthen healthcare delivery to support clinicians and patients. 

4. DoMore Diagnostics

Based in Oslo, Norway, DoMore Diagnostics has developed its artificial intelligence to reduce the over and undertreatment of cancers and improve drug development. In doing so, they have developed AI that provides fully automated histotyping that can guide therapy selection to give the patients the correct treatment. 

5. Indica Labs

Based in New Mexico, USA, Indica Labs utilizes artificial intelligence to provide solutions that streamline image analysis and workflow for digital pathology. Specifically, they use their HALO and HALO AI products to evaluate and manage images. A Pharma Services team also uses its software to source image analysis and bioinformatics services to institutes and organizations. 

6. Mindpeak

Based in Hamburg, Germany, Mindpeak recognizes that the demand for diagnosis is rising while the number of pathologists is decreasing. Mindpeak’s mission is to make diagnosing easier, allowing pathologists to focus on other tasks where their human expertise is indispensable. At the same time, the AI takes care of the repetitive, tedious tasks. 

7. Paige AI

Based in New York City, Paige AI is working to provide additional information from digitized slides to help pathologists improve their efficiency and find novel insights that the naked eye can’t see. In doing so, they will guide treatment and other decisions for diagnostic, pharmaceutical, and life sciences companies. These findings and their AI will also match patients to clinic trials and therapies and enable pathologists to access information from anywhere. 

8. Path AI

Path AI uses its AI to get accurate, reproducible results and focuses on using its AI to predict the response of the samples to new therapies and determine what will work best for the patient. Path AI strives to improve patient outcomes by creating a more accurate treatment plan. 

9. Tempus

Tempus AI is centered on diagnosing patients earlier so they can find out which specific therapies they qualify for, including clinical trials. They have one of the world’s largest clinical and molecular data libraries, enabling physicians to make faster data-driven decisions to create personalized care for each patient. 

10. Verily

Verily is an Alphabet company that brings precision healthcare to everyone every day. According to Verily, healthcare and patient diagnosis have been more of a “one size fits all” view than treatment plans created specifically for each patient. Their up-and-coming AI will address this issue to provide patients with quality and personalized treatment plans. 

Artificial intelligence helps determine the best treatment options for patients by accurately identifying and diagnosing tissue samples. New developments in AI are advancing digital pathology, creating opportunities for many improvements. In the past seven years, many companies around the globe have developed and tested artificial intelligence with no signs of slowing down. As companies continue to create and utilize machine learning in cancer diagnostics, the benefits for patients and pathologists will be astronomical. Lumea and other digital pathology companies are teaming up with AI to bring the best diagnostics possible to cancer patients. 

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